
This section outlines key concepts and features within the platform that will help you understand its functionality and how it can help you manage your governance reporting cycles.

1. Meetings: Meetings serve as the foundation for all discussions, decisions, and actions. You can create meetings, assign agendas, and track attendance. Meetings are linked with agenda papers, decisions, actions, and minute of meetings.

2. Agenda Items: These represent the topics discussed during a meeting. You can create, edit, and track agenda items as part of the meeting management process. The platform allows you to identify and allocate agenda items requiring paper submissions. Governance teams are notified when an agenda paper is submitted as final.

3. AI in Agenda Paper Writing: AI can assist in writing and refining agenda papers. It helps generate meeting papers quickly, offers suggestions for improving content, and proofreads to correct any grammatical, spelling, or formatting issues, making it easier to prepare high-quality meeting documents.

4. Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes can be manually added or automatically generated through AI transcription. These serve as the official record of the meeting and can be refined and proofread with AI tools before being saved.

5. Actions & Resolutions: The platform allows users to capture Actions and Resolutions (e.g. decisions) during meetings. You can manually add actions and decisions, or edit them as needed.

6. Notifications: Notifications are automatically triggered by the system for specific events such as agenda assignments, board report due dates, action creation, and meeting minutes publication. Additionally, Secretaries can manually trigger both app and email notifications for board reports and actions due.

7. Web and Mobile Apps: The platform is accessible via both web and mobile (phones and tablets), supporting iOS and Android devices. The mobile app provides a user-friendly interface for managing meetings, actions, and reports on the go.

Download Mobile Apps

Download the mobile apps here.

User Account

Creating a User Account
To create a user account:
1. Visit or download the mobile app.
2. Click Create Account when prompted.
2. Enter your full name, email address, and password.
4. Click the Create Account button.

Deleting a User Account
To delete your user account:
On Desktop:
1. Click on your account name.
2. Select Delete Account and confirm.

On Mobile App:
1. Go to the Account tab and tap the account icon in the top-right corner.
2. Select Delete Account and confirm.

Deleting your account will permanently erase your personal data and revoke access to any associated organizational accounts.

Company Profile

Organisations can only be created and edited via a web browser.

Creating an Organisation
1. In the top-right corner, click the + New Organisation button.
2. Select a plan. You will NOT be charged when creating an organisation. No credit card is required for up to 3 users.
3. Fill in all the mandatory fields.
4. Click the Create Account button.

Editing Organisation Details
1. Click the Edit button next to the organisation's name.
2. Update the necessary information.
3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Governance Teams

Creating a Board, Committee, Sub-Committee, or Working Group
1. Navigate to the My Organisation tab.
2. Select your organisation.
3. In the top-right corner, click the + New Governance button.
4. Fill in the required information and click Save.

Editing Governance Details
1. Select the Board, Committee, Sub-Committee, or Working Group name.
2. Update the necessary information.
3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Only system administrators can edit organisation details. To delete a Governance team, raise a support ticket and our team will be in touch as soon as we can.


Creating a Meeting
1. Navigate to the Meetings tab.
2. In the top-right corner, click the + New Meeting button.
Enter the meeting details and click Save.

Editing a Meeting
1. Select the meeting name from the list.In the top-right corner, click Edit Meeting.
2. Update the details and click Save.

Data Fields
Meeting Name: Provide a name for the meeting (e.g., Risk Committee Meeting - June 2025).
Status: Choose between Placeholder or Confirmed.
Meeting Date and Time: Select the date and time of the meeting.
Paper Due Date: Specify the deadline for paper submissions. Automated notifications will be sent out before the paper due date.

Agenda Papers

Adding an Agenda Item
1. Go to the Meetings tab and select the meeting name.
2. In the top-right corner of the Agenda tab, click + Add.
3. Enter the agenda details and click Save.

Editing an Agenda Item
1. Toggle the Edit switch.
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the agenda name.
3. Update the agenda details and click Save.

Creating an Agenda Paper
1. In the agenda item detail, toggle the Requires Paper Submission button to indicate if a paper submission is required. Not all agenda items require a paper submission (e.g., quorum confirmation, round-table discussions, Q&As).

Data Fields
: The sequence in which the agenda will be presented (e.g. 1, 2, 3).
Agenda Name: A short title, such as the title of the board or committee report.
Presenter: Select from the list of onboarded users.
Type: Choose one of the following: For Discussion, Decision, or Noting.
Time Allocated: The amount of time assigned for the presentation.

Meeting Actions

Adding an Action
1. Select the agenda item where the action is being raised.
2. In the top-right corner, click New Action.
3. Enter the action details and click Save.

Editing an Action
From the Action Tab:
1. Select the action.
2. In the top-left corner, click the Edit icon.
3. Update the action details or attach PDF documents, then click Save.

From the Meeting Agenda or Board Report Screens:
1. Select the action.
2. In the bottom-right corner, click Edit Action.
3. Update the action details and click Save.


Adding a Decision
1. Select the agenda item associated with the decision.
2. In the top-right corner, click New Decision.
3. Enter the decision details and click Save.

Editing a Decision
From the Decisions Tab:
1. Select the decision.
2. In the top-left corner, click the Edit icon.
3. Update the decision details or attach PDF documents, then click Save.

From the Meeting Agenda or Board Report Screen:
1. Click the decision.
2. In the bottom-right corner, click Edit Decision.
3. Update the decision details and click Save.

Meeting Minutes

Adding Meeting Minutes
Go to the Meetings tab and select the desired meeting. Click the Minutes button. Minutes button will only be available once meeting date and time has passed.

Manually Adding and Refining Meeting Minutes
1. Click Edit Minutes and manually enter the meeting details.
2. Refine the minutes using AI tools:
- Click Refine to improve writing style. AI will generate suggested wording.
- Click Proofread to correct grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.
3. Copy the AI-generated wording and paste it into the minutes text box.
4. Click Done Editing to save the minutes.

AI Voice Transcription
1. Click the Upload MP3 button and select the media file (MP3). The platform will generate a voice transcript. A confirmation box will appear when the transcription is complete.
2. Click the Transcript button to view the full transcript. Use the Clear button to delete the transcript.

AI-Generated Meeting Minutes
1. Meeting minutes are automatically generated alongside the voice transcription.
2. To edit the AI-generated minutes, click Edit Minutes.
3. Use AI to further refine and proofread the minutes before saving.

Mobile App Notifications

Automated notifications are sent for the following events:
- When a user was added as a team member in an organiation
- When a user was added access to a governance team (as a committee member, guest, standing attendee, etc)
Meeting Agenda

- When an agenda item is created and assigned to a user.
- When an agenda paper is due: 5, 3, and 1 day before the due date.
Meeting Action
- When an action is created and assigned to a user.
- When an action is due: 15, 3, and 1 day before the due date.
Meeting Minutes
- When meeting minutes are published.

Secretaries can manually trigger app notifications for board reports or actions due.
1. Go to the Papers or Actions section.
2. In the top-left corner, click the bell icon to manually trigger the notification. Review the details/message and click Send to dispatch the notification.

Email Notifications

In addition to app notifications, Secretaries can manually trigger email notifications for board reports or actions due:
1. Go to the Papers section.
2. In the top-left corner, click the envelope icon to manually trigger the notification. Review the details/message and click Send to dispatch the notification.


Refer to pricing page. For enterprise customised pricing, contact us.


Managing Your Subscription
To manage your subscription, go to the Billing section. Click Manage Subscription. You will be redirected to a new window, where we use Stripe to manage billing.

In this window, you can:
- Update your subscription (increase/decrease users)
- Cancel your subscription
- Update your company email
- Add or update payment methods
- View your invoices


For any payment disputes, raise a support ticket. We will respond to you within 1-2 business days or as soon as we can.


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